
Breed: F1b Medium English Goldendoodle
Parents: Daisy and Pierre
Birth Day: October 4, 2014
Height: 19 inches
Weight: 34 pounds
Coat Color: Cream (bbee)
D Locus: D/D (negative for dilution)
Coat type: Wavy, non shedding
Hair Curl: n/C
Furnishings: n/F
Parti Factor: Yes
Penn Hip: Left DI .26 Right DI .25
top 10% (Excellent)
Eye Cerf: Normal
DM: Clear GR-PRA1: Clear GR-PRA2: Clear Ich: Carrier
MD: Clear NEwS: Clear
vWD1: Clear
Lives with a guardian family in Twin Falls

Miniture poodle
Curly, non-shedding
14 lbs
Lucy and Norris
Miniature red/apricot English goldendoodles
20-30 pounds
Take home &match day November 17th
Please contact Fonda for more information regarding this litter
Lucy delivered 7 red/Apricot puppies Tuesday September 25th. To read about or see Lucy's' previous puppies click here...

Lucy waiting list
#1 Juli Haywood (April) Mountain Green, UT
#2 Callie Brown (Leslie) Debuque, IA
#3 Julie Hammack (pink collar Female) Boise, ID
#4 Justine Martell (orang collar Male) Meridian, ID
#5 Terry Richards (Blue collar Male) Palmdale CA
#6 Kristy Pickett (Green collar Male) Twin Falls, ID
#7 Rick Vogel (Black collar Male) Meridian, ID

"Parks and Rec" 5 weeks

