
Breed: F1b English Goldendoodle
Parents: Daisy and Norris
​Coat Color: Cream, BBee, KbKy, AwAt
Dilute: ​D/D (does not carry dilute)
Coat type: Curly, non-shedding
Hair Curl: T/T (+/+)
Furnishings: n/F (+/-)
Shedding: C/T (one low shed gene)
Parti Factor: No
Birth Day: 11/19/2017
Height: 16
Weight: 19
Penn Hip:Right 0.30 Left 0.40
OFA Elbows: Normal
Eye Cerf: normal
Rory is clear for over 150 genetic diseases tested through Embark. She is a carrier for Ichthyosis so she will only be bred with a stud that is clear for ICH.
Rory lives in a guardian home in Twin Falls
Rory's puppies

Rory & Winston
Mini Multi-Gen Goldendoodles 25-35 lb
Born: December 6th, 2020
Match Date:
Go Home: Friday January 29th-30th, 2021
Rory is a petite F1b goldendoodle that lives with her family of three girls. She is sweet and patient and loves to go for walks. Her coat is curly (+/+) and non-shedding.
Winston has a beautiful -/- curl coat that is completely non-shedding. He is a snuggler at heart and loves to be with his people--he is great with kids.
These puppies will all have black noses and they will all have +/- (wavy) curl coats.
This is Rory's retirement litter. She tends to pass on her petite frame and her thick soft non-shedding coat.
1. Lina Desmond--Boston--Purple girl (Peppermint?)
2. Danny and Joanna Cordero--Henderson, NV--Pink Girl (Molly)
3. Crystal Meyers--Nampa ID-- red collar male
4. Phyllis Tobias, Idaho Falls, ID--Black Collar girl (Daisy)
5. Hunter Bomer, Boise, ID--teal collar girl (Daphne)
6. Cyan Bower--Belleview WA--royal blue female
Rory/Winston 12/6/2020

January 27, 2021
Puppies are preparing to go home in this coming week! I know everyone is excited to finally meet their puppy and start this new venture with their baby. A new puppy is always an exiting and welcome addition. We know that many of these babies will be going to families who have been planning and preparing for this little puppy for quite some time so the anticipation is very high. In this coming week these little ones will go to see the vet for their vet check. I will include vet notes and a medication record with your take home packet.
There are really just a couple of things that you really have to have before you bring a puppy home.
1. Collar and leash. get a size "small" collar and a plain flat leash.
2. Crate and pad. For this litter you will want a size 24x24 inch crate.
3. Food. You should already have received your food. If not talk to me and I can sell you a bag.
3. Chew toys. You need to have something for those little teeth to chew on. We've given lots of ideas in our take home information. If you don't provide something they will find something.
Take home, first day schedule and training information here.
We are continuing with daily interaction and the puppies enjoy meeting new people. We can see more and more of their little personalities. Their brains are fully developed at this point and they are ready for one on one training. We don't generally start specific training with the puppies but we do introduce them to the clicker which will make things easier when they get home.
A few tips to remember when you first meet your puppy:
Puppies use smell as their primary sense. Let them smell and greet you before you pick them up.
If you are bringing kids, remind them that high pitch noises or squealing is stressful for the puppy. They should greet the puppy calmly and quietly and let the puppy smell them first.
Take them straight to your potty area first thing when you get home. Pick them up and carry them there. Bring treats to reward potty immediately then take them in the house and let them sniff around to get used to a new place.
Introduce your existing pets one at a time and only when both dogs are calm. If your dog jumps and barks and cries when you walk in the door then that is not a good time to introduce the new puppy. Outside or in a neutral house location is also best i.e. don't take the puppy to your older dog's favorite bed to meet him.
The babies still sleep almost as much as they are awake. If your puppy is acting really hyper he may be overstimulated. Put him in his crate or on a bed in a quiet location to settle down. Add a chew toy if he is having trouble settling. If he still won't calm down then take him outside agin for a few minutes and ignore him as he runs around then try settling down again.
Remind kids that if the puppy is on his bed or in his crate he is off limits. Puppies should have a safe place to go to when they have had enough 'kid' time.
It's not unusual for them to refuse food or eat only a little for a couple of days. Don't panic. They will eat when needed.

Six week puppy pictures!

January 5, 2021
The babies are four weeks old. This is one of our favorite puppy stages. They are all walking on steady feet and they are starting to play and interact with each other. They can hear and see clearly now and mom is ready to start weaning. She still nurses multiple times a day but has started standing for some of their nursing. When mom starts standing to nurse that is our cue to begin introducing solid foods! We start with a mush of puppy food offered once at day at first and gradually increasing to three times a day. Once their teeth come in they will switch over to hard crunch food-usually between 5 and 6 weeks.
Potty training is going well. The babies all use the paper tray to go potty and they keep their puppy beds and pads clean. We will move them over the the 'big kid' toddler area where they will start getting exposed to the dog door. We ill offer food outside when the weather is nice enough and they will go out with mom and start learning to go potty outside instead of in the house. They have been spending a little bit of tie outside every day and are getting more and more bold with each excursion.
Rory's babies have their eyes open! They have all just opened their eyes are are jsut starting to creep around their box. They are still in the Neo-natal period where they can't really see or hear much at all., Most of their interaction with the world is through smell and touch. We handle each puppy every day to help stimulate the development of neuropathways and to develop positive associations with human touch. Rory still spends most of her time nursing and cleaning puppies but is starting to leave the box for short periods of time each day. Over the next week the babies will begin to see more clearly and will start hearing the world around them. As their muscles develop they will become more and more stable on their feet. Once they are all walking we will introduce potty training to their box!

Rory had 6 babies Early in the morning on Sunday, December 6th. All six babies were born active and healthy! We have five girls and one boy. All of these puppies will have red or apricot, wavy coats. Rory is a calm and attentive mama--right now she spends all of her time nursing and snuggling and cleaning babies. The babies are in the neonatal period which lasts for the first 12-14 days of life. Their eyes and ears are closed and their neurological systems are still not completely developed. We follow an Early Neurological Stimulation program with careful handling each day to help develop resilient nervous systems and to stimulate neuro-pathway production.

Previous puppies from Rory
Rory & Winston
Miniature Red Multi-gen Goldendoodles 20-35 pounds
Born: May 29, 2020
Go Home: July 24, 2020
Ruby and Winston had puppies May 29thare expecting puppies! All of these babies will have soft, wavy (+/- curl) coats. Neither parents shed at all. Rory lives with her family of three little girls who adore her. She is tolerant and patient and so much fun. Winston has a typical goldendoodle personality that we love. He loves his people and he loves to play. These babies will be great family dogs.
Rory's Litter reservation list
1. Krystal Gollobit--Daisy, Friday 5 pm pickup--cash due at pick-up
2. Vita Kremenchuck--Louie, Thursday morning pick-up. Check mailed for final payment
3. Marisa Bueno--Hewie
4.Kristie Abernathy--Dewey, Thusday morning pick-up--PayPal final payment
Rory/Winston 2020

It's time for four week pictures! The babies had their first trip outside to lounge in the grass with mama Rory. They loved it! They are all doing great with experiencing new textures and sounds and smells. Their little neurological systems are developing at an amazing rate! They spend more time sleeping than awake. They are just starting to interact with each other and they are doing well with beginning potty training. Next week teeth will start to erupt and we will introduce water and liquid supplements at the beginning of the week. By the end of the week they will start on soft, mushy food and we will start seeing individual personalities develop more and more.
The babies are just past three weeks! They still spend almost all of their time eating and sleeping and growing! They change almost every day. They are all up walking and exploring their world. They are ready to start potty training--this week we will give them an easily identifiable area for sleeping separate from play and potty area. Mom still keeps them clean and helps with all eliminating. Over the next week they will start cutting teeth and they will move to their 'toddler' area where they will have a little more space to practice potty training and they will learn to play with each other.
Rory's babies were born on Friday May 29th. Rory had a quick and easy delivery and she is a great mama to her little babes. They are all growing at record rates drinking all the milk they want! Our little girl Daisy was injured by a different mama dog shortly after birth. She had to have some intensive care management for the last couple of weeks but now she is healthy and chubby just like her brothers! This week the babies have just started opening their eyes and they are crawling around more and more. They still spend most of their time sleeping and eating and they will continue to do so for another couple of weeks.
Rory and Cooper
Miniature red Goldendoodles
Born November 9, 2019
Go home 12/31/2019
20-30 pounds, curly non-shedding coats
Rory and Cooper have puppies born on November 9--they will be ready to go home at New Year's. Rory lives with her family of three little girls and is a beloved family member in Twin Falls.
Cooper lives with his family in Utah and they love his easy going personality and obedient disposition. He loves everyone he meets.
These puppies will be great curly and wavy no/low shedding red/apricot goldendoodles between 20 and 30 pounds.
Rory's Litter reservation list
1. Kortnie Kent--Joy
2. Tosha Anderson--Holly
3. Krista Werking--Ivy
4. Andrew and Suzanne Campbell--Merry
5. Liza and Ryan Blake--Bow
6. Terri Sommer--Rudy

30 pounds, 15" tall
We have enjoyed such a fun Holiday season with these little babies in our home this year! There is nothing quite like a warm snuggly puppy for keeping a house fulll of kids happy and occupied! All the puppies are using the dog door to go potty. They are working on basic house manners--learning to sit to say please, eating dry food and sleeping and napping in crates. They will all be ready to go home by the end of this week!







December 12, 2019
Introducing our sweet girls Merry, Holly, Joy and Ivy and our two boys Rudy and Bow! They are bringing us all kinds of Christmas cheer. Merry and Joy both have loose wavy coats and the other four will be curly like their mama. Rudy and Holly are the tiniest little babies and Bow is the biggest--he will likely be closer to the 30 pound weight range.
This week the babies started soft solid foods and they are learning to sleep in a crate. They are all doing great with their litter box training and this next week we will introduce them to the dog door.

December 6, 2019
The babies are four weeks old today! They have started potty training and are practicing using their brand new teeth on each other. We introduce new toys and sounds every day to help enrich their environment and they love to explore. This week they will start exploring outside and they will start eating solid foods.
Rory's babies are 10 days old now. They are crawling around their box more effectively and they have all almost doubled their birth weights. Rory spends a lot of her time caring for them but has started leaving the box for naps and time outside. This week everyone will open their eyes and start toddling around on their little legs.
Rory has babies! Rory delivered all six puppies in just over 2 1/2 hours on Friday, November 8. She is a great mama and all the puppies look great. This week we will let them adjust to life in our house. We handle each puppy every day to help develop resistant neurological systems. Rory spends almost all of her time nursing and cleaning babies.

F1b Goldendoodle
16 pounds
Rory and Judah
Miniature Red Goldendoodles
15-25 pounds
Born 4/14/19
Ready to go home 6/7/19
These petite puppies are $2000
Rory is an easy going mama who lives with three young girls who adore her. This is Rory's first litter. She's easy to train and obedient. She has a thick non-shedding coat.
Judah is from Old Mac's Doodles. He has a beautiful mahogany coat. He loves to be with people and he has an easy playful personality. He also has a thick, non-shedding coat.
Reservation List for Rory/Judah
1. Scout--Oakey Family Twin Falls
2. Leavitt family
3. Dixon Family
4. Deide Rodriguez
5. sold
These puppies are 7 1/2 weeks and doing great. They are just about ready to go home! They are all using a dog door and are eating all solid food ad they've had their first set of shots. They are busy playing and learning about bite inhibition and basic dog manners with each other and with our other dogs. They have been a huge hit with our kids and their friends these last few weeks. There is nothing more fun than a pack of fluffy 'kanga-doodle' puppies on a summer afternoon!
Boo-4.0 pounds
Gem 4.13 pounds
Scout 5.3 pounds
Finch 5.6 pounds
Atticus 5.8 pounds

Introducing Scout, Gem, Finch, Atticus and Boo Radley

Red Collar Boy

May 12, 2019
We have been studying 'To Kill a Mockingbird' these last few weeks so we named these puppies after our favorite characters. The babies are four weeks old today! They have started exploring outside and have started drinking water. They are using a paper area away from their sleeping area to go potty. We will introduce them to the dog door this week and they will start taking themselves outside to go potty! They will start trying soft food this week are they are starting to get little teeth. We will continue to socialize them with all different types of people and we will introduce new textures, sounds, smells and toys every day. Their little brains are rapidly absorbing all the information available as their hearing, vision and walking improves.

Blue collar boy

Yellow Boy

Boo Radley
No Collar Boy

The puppies are now turning into cute little fluffy dogs! We love this stage! They are toddling around on little wobbly legs and starting to interact with each other. We continue to hold and stimulate every puppy every day.
They still sleep most of the time and nurse every 2-3 hours.

Eyes are starting to open
The babies are all growing and developing right on schedule. Their little eyes are just barely starting to open and they are wobbling around on their little unsteady feet. We will see huge developments over the next week as their eyes and ears open and they start to toddle around. At this stage of development we make sure that they continue to have daily neurological stimulation and that they are held by both men and women to help ensure good attachment to all. Rory sleeps with the babies all night and still spends much of the day with them. As they become more active they will nurse less often and stay awake for longer periods of time.

Rory's babies have arrived!
Sunday 4/14/2019
Rory had a quick and easy labor. She started 'nesting' (she made a little nest area under my bed...) early Sunday morning and her first puppy was born at about 9:30. All five puppies were were here by about 11:45! This was one of the quickest and easiest labor and deliveries we have had! All of the puppies were born active and healthy and all started nursing within just a few minutes. Rory is a calm first time mama as long as we don't move her babies out of her line of sight. She keeps them warm and clean and all six of them are spending their days napping and nursing. We will start gentle neurological stimulation this week and will progress with their socialization as they get older.