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Standard F1b English Goldendoodle

  • Parents: Poppy/Monty

  • 55 pounds, 21" tall, wavy non wavy coat

  • 35.5% Golden Retriever / 64.5% standard poodle

  • Birthday: July 23, 2017

  • Health:

    • PennHIP: 0.41/0.42 (Better than breed average)

    • OFA Hip Preliminary Excellent, OFA Elbow Preliminary Normal

    • OFA Eyes, Heart, Patella, Normal.

    • Full Embark Panel, carrier for ICH

  • Clear disease panel, Carier for ICH

  • Coat & Color Genetics: Ff, +/- curl ee KBKB atat BB spsp 

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
Embark genetic test results link
Lunna and Winston
Large Medium Multi-gen Goldendoodles 40-60 pounds
Born: March 4, 2021
Match Date: April 15th
Go home: April 27 if picking up from my home April 28th if transportation is needed

 Everyone has been waiting with great anticipation for Lunas puppies to arrive and now finally almost a week later the anticipation is over.  Luna Delivered her first puppy at 9:00 am this morning and the last one came at 1:00P PM.  We have 5 boys and 1 girl.  We are getting Luna and her babies settled and and trying to catch up on our rest.  She was up all night long laboring.  I will begin to reach out to everyone on the list in the next few day to confirm litter placement on this litter.  Please be patient as this can take us some time. If you want to know if there is still a possibility you may get on this list please watch Lunas litter page "waiting list". I will update it there as I get confirmations from people. Pictures will come soon

Luna/Winston Confirmed Waiting list

1) Breeder pick (Pink Collar Female)

2) Kaitlyn Huso (Red Collar Male) Boise,ID

3) Lexi Johnson (Blue Collar Male) Missoula, MT

4) Julian Marrow (Black Collar Male) Bellevue, WA

5) Connor Gallagher (Orange Collar Male) Elko NV

6) Candace Savage (Green Collar Male) Memphis, TN 

English Goldendoodle



F1b English Goldendoodle

55 pounds, 21" tall

Red Parti



Goldendoodle stud



Multi-Generational   Goldendoodle

40 pounds, 19" tall




Week 7  Make sure you are prepared!

(Green Boy) -wavy/abstract apricot/red  (Blue Boy) -straight/Large abstract apricot/red

 (Red) -wavy/abstract apricot/red (Pink Girl) -wavy/Large abstract apricot/red

(Orange)-wavy/Lage abstract apricot/red (Black) -wavy/abstract apricot/red

Puppies are preparing to go home in this coming week!  I know everyone is excited to finally meet their puppy and start this new venture with their baby.  A new puppy is always an exiting and welcome addition. We know that many of these babies will be going to families who have been planning and preparing for this little puppy for quite some time so the anticipation is very high.  In this coming week these little ones will go to see the vet for their vet check.  I will include vet notes and a medication record with your take home packet. 

There are really just a couple of things that you really have to have before you bring a puppy home. 

1. Collar and leash.  get a size "small" collar and a plain flat leash. 

2. Crate and pad.  See our Supply page to determine the size of crate to get.  This litter is expected to be 40-65 lb and 19"-21" tall. 

3.  Food.  You should already have received your food.  If not talk to me and I might be able to help you. 

3. Chew toys.  You need to have something for those little teeth to chew on.  We've given lots of ideas in our take home information.  If you don't provide something they will find something. 

We are continuing with daily interaction and the puppies enjoy meeting new people.  We can see more and more of their little personalities. Their brains are fully developed at this point and they are ready for one on one training.  We don't generally start specific training with the puppies but we do introduce them to the clicker which will make things easier when they get home.

A few tips to remember when you first meet your puppy:

  • Puppies use smell as their primary sense.  Let them smell and greet you before you pick them up.  

  • If you are bringing kids, remind them that high pitch noises or squealing is stressful for the puppy.  They should greet the puppy calmly and quietly and let the puppy smell them first. 

  • Take them straight to your potty area first thing when you get home.  Pick them up and carry them there.  Bring treats to reward potty immediately then take them in the house and let them sniff around to get used to a new place. 

  • Introduce your existing pets one at a time and only when both dogs are calm.  If your dog jumps and barks and cries when you walk in the door then that is not a good time to introduce the new puppy.  Outside or in a neutral house location is also best i.e. don't take the puppy to your older dog's favorite bed to meet him.  

  • The babies still sleep almost as much as they are awake.  If your puppy is acting really hyper he may be overstimulated.  Put him in his crate or on a bed in a quiet location to settle down. Add a chew toy if he is having trouble settling. If he  still won't calm down then take him outside agin for a few minutes and ignore him as he runs around then try settling down again. 

  • Remind kids that if the puppy is on his bed or in his crate he is off limits.  Puppies should have a safe place to go to when they have had enough 'kid' time. 

  • It's not unusual for them to refuse food or eat only a little for a couple of days. Don't panic. They will eat when needed.


Please click this link to see all of our important take home information Take home preparation page--

Luna/Winston 6 weeks

(Green Boy) -wavy/abstract apricot/red  (Blue Boy) -straight/Large abstract apricot/red

 (Red) -wavy/abstract apricot/red (Pink Girl) -wavy/Large abstract apricot/red

(Orange)-wavy/Lage abstract apricot/red (Black) -wavy/abstract apricot/red

We plan to give the puppies their first full bath this week.  Usually at first they act a little reserved but quickly warm up to the idea. Lots of our doodles are influenced by their poodle ancestors and they absolutely love water.


After their bath they will have their first little mini grooming session.  We trim their back sides to help keep them clean (mom usually stops cleaning them when they started eating solid foods) and we cute the hair out of the corner of their eyes so that their vision development is unobstructed.  As always we keep their little razor sharp toenails trimmed as well. The puppies have gotten really fun to watch playing together.  

The puppies will receive fenbendazole (dewormer medicine) this week .

This is week 4 of the socialization period. Puppies have now learned to take food from my hand and are doing great with manding.  Every time we feed the puppies we call them with a high pitch "here pup, pup, pup, pup, pup, pup" similar to how you hear people call a kitty.  They now have a great recall down and will come any time I call out like this.  It is so important to have a good "recall" with a puppy to help keep them from trouble.  This recall will transition to the dogs name once you have him/her in your home.

The babies are all doing great sleeping in crates.  They still usually pile into one crate together but we offer them a couple of sizes of crates and they sometimes nap all alone.  We don't close the door with them and we don't have them sleeping separately at this stage.  

Luna/Winston 4 weeks

(Green Boy) -wavy/abstract apricot/red  (Blue Boy) -straight/Large abstract apricot/red

 (Red) -wavy/abstract apricot/red (Pink Girl) -wavy/Large abstract apricot/red

(Orange)-wavy/Lage abstract apricot/red (Black) -wavy/abstract apricot/red

Puppies are all steady on their feet now and are starting to get more and more playful.  They are doing great with their potty training by using the potty area about 75% of the time.  When they don't use their potty area they are using their play area--they are keeping their sleep area completely clean.  

This is week two of the socialization period. Their little teeth are starting to erupt so this week puppies will start on solids and begin the process of weaning.  We take our cues from mama--when she starts standing up to nurse we know it's time to introduce soft solid foods.  First we will use ground food mixed with water. As they get used to eating and swallowing we will use regular food soaked in water until it is soft.  Mom has already started to wean by spending less time in the box with them.  This time will gradually increase over the next 2-3 weeks until they are no longer nursing. Mom still interacts with them throughout the day but she does so in shorter amounts of time. Puppies will participate in their first barrier challenge this week.  Once they are really interested in their food I will place it behind of barrier of some sort so that they can use their problem solving skills to help work through problems or obstacles.

Luna/Winston 5 weeks

(Green Boy) -wavy/abstract apricot/red  (Blue Boy) -straight/Large abstract apricot/red

 (Red) -wavy/abstract apricot/red (Pink Girl) -wavy/Large abstract apricot/red

(Orange)-wavy/Lage abstract apricot/red (Black) -wavy/abstract apricot/red

This week the puppies will begin to spend more time outside during the day when we have nice weather.  They will eventually spend time outside every day sun, rain or snow.  All dogs need to be comfortable with going outside in all kinds of weather.

The puppies are all very steady on their feet now and are getting really playful (especially with each other).  They are doing great with their potty training by using the potty area about 95% of the time and they are keeping their beds clean all of the time. We will introduce crates to the puppies this coming week. We put all their soft bedding in the crates to encourage them to choose the crate for sleeping.  They usually all pile in one crate together as they still need each other for warmth and comfort.  

Puppies are now transitioning over to solid dry crunch kibble as they are getting their teeth. We will keep offering soft food until they all have their molars.

This is week three of the socialization period. This week the puppies have begun to learn and be shaped by other adult dogs in the household but especially mom.  Learning dog manners is a skill that can only be taught by other dogs! We always watch interactions with other dogs closely. Mom is really the best teacher as she will stop or pin puppies that are overly energetic or that aren't picking up on cues to settle down.  This interaction is important to learning good dog social skills. They are also learning how to use their teeth without causing damage.  They teach each other that lesson as they constantly mouth and play with each other.

We will give the puppies their Neopar vaccines this week.  Neopar helps develop immunity to Parvo--it is the only vaccine that is effective at this young age as these puppies still have passive immunity from nursing with mom.  Some vets prefer to give full immunizations at 6 weeks of age but shots at this early stage are less than 30% effective.  They have a much better immune response at 8 weeks. Our neonatal specialist recommends waiting until 8 weeks for full immmunization.  Parvo is the most prevalent puppy illness so getting a head start with Neopar is important.  We will talk more about vaccines in the take home information.

This week our puppies usually hit what is called a fear period.  This period can last only an hour or a few days.  We will take extra care to be sure that if they exhibit any fear towards anything we will scale back and individually help them overcome those fears slowly.  Yawning, crying, hiding or avoiding are all signs of fear in a puppy. This is also the week we begin "Manding" with the puppies.  Manding is teaching the puppy to sit to 'say please.'  This type of sit is not a cued behavior (we aren't asking them to sit), we are just instilling a natural instinct to settle down and sit calmly to get what they want.  It's a way for them to communicate with us in a polite way.  We simply approach them with a handful of soft treats and we give a treat to any puppy sitting quietly.  We ignore the puppies that are jumping and pawing us.  Eventually they all catch on that sitting nicely is what gets the reward.  Peer pressure is a great thing with puppies! By the end of this week they will all have caught on and will begin expressing this very desirable behavior whenever we approach the pen.

The puppies had their first barrier challenge this past week.  For a mental challenge that encourages problem solving and stress tolerance, we introduce a barrier that they have to navigate to get to their food.  It can be as simple as putting their food around a corner at first. We allow each puppy to negotiate the challenge at their own pace and we watch each puppy to make sure they successfully navigate to their food before we make things harder.



Luna/Winston 3 weeks

(Green Boy) -wavy/abstract apricot/red  (Blue Boy) -straight/Large abstract apricot/red

 (Red) -wavy/abstract apricot/red (Pink Girl) -wavy/Large abstract apricot/red

(Orange)-wavy/Lage abstract apricot/red (Black) -wavy/abstract apricot/red

Everyone has their eyes open. This past week the babies all started to toddle around really well and have started to find their little voices. Tomorrow we will introduce a new bed/sleeping area along with our new pee/pooping area to help start these little ones on a path to easier potty training. In the beginning we have one soft bed area and the rest of the pen is potty area.  We use the puppies' natural instinct to keep their bed clean to help with potty training--the minute they step off their bed to go potty they will be in the desired area. Once they are accustomed to use the paper/grate area for potty we will be able to make their play/sleep area bigger. 


This week puppies will leave the transitional period and will enter the socialization period.  During this time their ears open and they begin to hear.  The puppies live in our living room so they are naturally exposed to a variety of noises that will help them adjust to family life: TV/movies in the background, children playing, vacuums running etc.are all familiar sounds to these babies.  Over the next we will also work on some startle recovery exercises. For startle recovery exercises we will randomly make sudden unusual noises that may startle the puppies ever so slightly to help shape their emotional responses. We watch closely to make sure there isn't a fear response and if necessary we will work with individual puppies more gradually to help them adjust to the noises. 


Luna/Winston 2 weeks

(Green Boy) -wavy/abstract apricot/red  (Blue Boy) -straight/Large abstract apricot/red

 (Red) -wavy/abstract apricot/red (Pink Girl) -wavy/Large abstract apricot/red

(Orange)-wavy/Lage abstract apricot/red (Black) -wavy/abstract apricot/red

The puppies are all doing great.  Everyone's eyes have opened at least a little.  It will take a little while for them to be able to see clearly. They are starting to move around more and more.  We've begun handling the puppies a lot more as mom isn't quite as nervous to have them away from her for a few minutes. Handling by young children is a daily occurrence here at the Thompson household because we have a built in 4 year old to help socialize them! 

At two weeks of age the puppies leave the neonatal period and enter what is called the transitional period.  Traditional period is typically between days 14-21.  During this time we will begin to introduce them to a new novel item (toy, new bedding etc.) and or a new experience daily.  These items and experiences will help to build a healthy startle/recover/curiosity/exploration cycle to lay the foundation for a confident puppy. This week we will take a dermal nail trimmer to the puppies nails for a few seconds at a time to begin to get them used to vibration and trimming of the nails.  These puppies will have a lifetime of grooming and will need to be handled on their feet and toes on a regular bases.  Early exposure to common grooming practices will help them be relaxed during grooming for the rest of their lives.  

Luna/Winston "" 1 week

(Green Boy) -wavy/abstract apricot/red  (Blue Boy) -straight/Large abstract apricot/red

 (Red) -wavy/abstract apricot/red (Pink Girl) -wavy/Large abstract apricot/red

(Orange)-wavy/Lage abstract apricot/red (Black) -wavy/abstract apricot/red

Puppies are 1 week old and have all almost doubled their weight.  These first 3 weeks they grow so fast!

Momma is still doing most of the work right now feeding, cleaning, and keeping them warm and happy.  We are enjoying giving them short times of daily handling and ENS daily.      

 The puppies are entering their 2nd week of the Neonatal period.  We will continue doing ENS until they are 16 days old.  At this stage the puppies can't see or hear--scent is their main interaction with the world.  They are surprisingly agile little crawlers but they aren't able to get up on their feet yet.  Their eyes will open somewhere between 10 days and 2 weeks. 

Luna/Winston "" Newborn

(Green Boy) -wavy/abstract apricot/red  (Blue Boy) -straight/Large abstract apricot/red

 (Red) -wavy/abstract apricot/red (Pink Girl) -wavy/Large abstract apricot/red

(Orange)-wavy/Lage abstract apricot/red (Black) -wavy/abstract apricot/red

After much anticipation the puppies have finally arrived nearly 1 week after we had anticipated that they would.  Luna started early labor late Wednesday night and had her first puppy at just before 9:00 AM. The last boy arrived at just before 1:00 PM.  Labor went smoothly and Luna is enjoying relaxing with her new babies.  She wasn't too fond of me taking them away to take some photos but we got them back to her quickly.  As always she is a great momma. She loves to dote every her little ones.  She had one lonesome girl and 5 boys.  Everyone is doing well and looks to be nice and healthy.  We anticipated a larger litter so just 6 was a little bit of a surprise.  

The puppies have transitioned through delivery are now in the Neonatal period. The Neonatal period last for two weeks.  During this time we pay close attention to the little pups to be sure each is thriving and growing. We watch weights and observe feedings to make sure everyone is eating and gaining weight.  Momma does most of the work right now and we just do a lot of observation.  Mom will tend and care for her puppies instinctively and make sure all is well by keeping them fed, clean, and warm. She licks constantly to stimulate their elimination systems and to keep them clean. We will begin Early Neurological Stimulation on day three.  ENS is a an exercise developed by puppy behaviorists and trainers that is designed to stimulate neuro-pathway growth and start the physiological basis for resistant and predictable neurological development. Is takes only a few seconds per puppy. We hold each puppy upright, head-down down and flat on the back.  Then we apply pressure to one paw near the toes and then set them on a cold cloth.  Each exercise is done for to 2-3 seconds. We will also clip sharp little toenails as needed.

Lunna and Teddy
Mini multi-gen Goldendoodles
25-35 pounds
Born Aug 11, 2020
Go home Friday October 2nd, 2020
Puppy match day September 22nd

Luna had 4 beautiful Red/apricot abstract puppies early Friday morning August 11, 2020.  We have 3 males and 1 female.  



English Goldendoodle
miniature goldendoodle stud
F1b Goldendoodle
from Poppy & Monty
50 pound
cream, wavy, non-shedding 




red/white abstract

straight coat

22 pounds, 14 inches

Luna/Teddy Waiting list

1) Ashley Pehrson (Female) Mackay, ID

2)Jennifer Campos ("Jay"brown collar Male) Vancuver, WA

3) Marlee Gray ("Carlos" green collar Male) Boise, ID

4) Debbi Booth ("King Ben" Blue collar male) Damascus Or.

Luna/Teddy "Descendants" 6 weeks

 (Green Male "Carlos") -wavy/straight/abstract apricot/red (Pink Female "Evie) -wavy/straight abstract red

(Blue Male "King Ben") -wavy/straight abstract red (Brown "Jay") -wavy/straight abstract red

Last week the puppies began to spend a lot of time outside during the day.  

Puppies are all very steady on their feet now and are getting really playful (especially with each other.  They are doing great with their potty training by using the potty area about 95% of the time.  When they don't use their potty area they are using their play area but have stopped eliminating in their sleep area completely.  We introduced them to a crate this last week and they choose to sleep in it about 85% of the time because it is  the only spot in their box with a soft pillow to lay their head. 

  Mom has already began to distance herself a little by spending less time in the box with them.  This time has gradually increased over this past two weeks and will continue to do so. Puppies have had their first barrier challenge this past week as well.  When they were really interested in their food I placed it behind a barrier so that they could use their problem solving skills to help work through problems or obstacles for the reward of food.We also used momma as an incentive as well.

 last week the puppies have began to learn and be shaped by other adult dog in the household.  They  began to teach them important dog manners.  Puppies went though their first fear period last week.  This period can last only an hour or a few days.  We will took extra care to be sure that if they exhibited any fear towards anything  we scaled back and individually helped them overcome those fears slowly.  We also began "Mandding" with the puppies.  Mandding is a behavior of the puppy sitting when he/she wants something.  Its a way for them to communicate with us in a polite way.  Its always best to have a dog approach you and sit (without being asked) rather than jumping up on you because they want something.  By the end of this week they will all have caught on and will begin expressing this very desirable behavior when they are approached by a human (as long as we have a treat. LOL)

We will give the puppies their first bath this week.   We will introduce them to a small wadding pool in this coming week with about 1" of water in the bottom.  Usually at first they act a little reserved but quickly warm up to the idea and start to romp around.  After their bath they will also have their first little mini grooming.  their back sides will get trimmed up to help keep them clean and the hair will be cut out of the corner of their eyes.  Puppies have gotten really fun to watch playing together.  

Week 6 is  is week 4 of the socialization period. Puppies have now learned to take food from my hand ad are beginning to "Mand".  Every time we feed the puppies we call them with a high pitch "here pup, "pup, pup, pup, pup, pup" similar to how you hear people call a kitty.  They now have a great recall down and will come any time I call out like this.  It is so important to have a good "recall" with a puppy to help keep them from truble.  This recall will transition to the dogs name once you have him/her in your home.  

IMG_0902 2

 Lunas/Teddy "Descendants" 4 weeks

 (Green Male "Carlos") -wavy/straight/abstract apricot/red (Pink Female "Evie) -wavy/straight abstract red

(Blue Male "King Ben") -wavy/straight abstract red (Brown "Jay") -wavy/straight abstract red

Puppies are all steady on their feet now and are starting to get a little playful.  They are doing great with their potty training by using the potty area about 75% of the time.  When they don't use their potty area they are using their play area but have stopped eliminating in their sleep area.  

This is week two of the socialization period. This week puppies will start on solids and begin the process of weening.  First we will being using puppy food soaked in water. By the end of the week they willl be eating the kibble dry and mom will begining to feed them less and less.  Mom has already started to distance herself a little by spending less time in the box with them.  This time will gradually increase over the next 2-3 weeks. Puppies will participate in their first barrier challenge this week.  Once they are really interested in their food I will place it behind of barrier of some sort so that they can use their problem solving skills to help work through problems or obstacles.

Luna/Teddy "Descendants" 3 weeks

 (Green Male "Carlos") -wavy/straight/abstract apricot/red (Pink Female "Evie) -wavy/straight abstract red

(Blue Male "King Ben") -wavy/straight abstract red (Brown "Jay") -wavy/straight abstract red

Just an FYI I had surgery on the September 1 and it will require a long recovery.  I have lots of help with the puppies but I will be a little MIA when it comes to updating the website getting info out to you and responding to request.  Ideally I will do a video every even week and photos every odd week. But please know there may be times I do not get this done at all or  times if I do it does not come at their week mark so please be patient with me over these next few week. I will have a lot of extra time on my hands to get computer, email, website, and texting done because I will be down in bed a lot but I also likely will not feel up to it.  Also my extra time may need to be spent directing those around me to help me and also to do what needs done with the puppies on a daily basis.

This past week they have all begun to toddle around really well and have become very vocal. Tomorrow we will introduce a new bed/sleeping area along with our new pee/pooping area to help start these little ones on a path to easier potty training. 

This week puppies leave the transitional period and will enter the socialization period.  During this time their ears open and they begin to hear.  We will start some sound protocols with them this week.  Some of those include listing to classical music, exposing puppies to common "upsetting" appliances such as the vacuum and blow dryer,  and doing some startle recovery exercises.  For startle recovery exercises we will randomly make sudden unusual noises that may startle the puppies ever so slightly to help shape their emotional responses. 


 Lunas' "Descendants" 2 weeks

 (Green Male "Carlos") -wavy/straight/abstract apricot/red (Pink Female "Evie) -wavy/straight abstract red

(Blue Male "King Ben") -wavy/straight abstract red (Brown "Jay") -wavy/straight abstract red

Puppies are all doing great.  Their eyes all opened in this past week..  They are starting to move around a bit. Puppies are starting to get a lot of handling. Handling by children of this age is a daily occurrence here at the Thompson household because we have a built in 4 year old here to help socialize them.  

At two weeks of age the puppies leave the neonatal period and enter what is called the transitional period.  Traditional period is typically between days 14-21.  During this time we will begin to introduce them to a new novel item and or have a new experience daily.  These items and experience will help to build a healthy startle/recover/curiosity/and exploration cycle with the puppies to lay the foundation for a confident puppy. This week we will take a dermal nail trimmer to the puppies nails to begin to get them used to vibration and trimming of the nails.  These puppies will have a lifetime of grooming and will need to be handled by their feet and toes on a regular bases.  Doing these things with them early and using items like this that cause vibration regularly will help to start to set them up for success for their many groomings they will have.

 Luna's "Descendants" 1 week

 (Green Male "Carlos") -wavy/straight/abstract apricot/red (Pink Female "Evie) -wavy/straight abstract red

(Blue Male "King Ben") -wavy/straight abstract red (Brown "Jay") -wavy/straight abstract red

Puppies are 1 week old and have all almost doubled their weight.  These first 3 weeks they grow so fast!

Momma is still doing most of the work right now feeding, cleaning, and keeping them warm and happy.  We are enjoying giving them short times of daily handling.     

 The puppies are entering their 2nd week of the Neonatal period.  When the puppies were 3 days old we started Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS). We will continue doing ENS until they are 16 days old.  ENS is a combination of different tests and stimuli that is designed to get your puppy comfortable being handled, desensitize him/her to discomforting touch, and get their brain-nerve pathways working.  We preform a serious of tasks including handling the puppy upright, upside-down, on his/her back, tickling his/ her toes, and setting them on a cold surface.

Luna/Teddy Newborn "Descendants"

 (Green Male "Carlos") -wavy/straight/abstract apricot/red (Pink Female "Evie) -wavy/straight abstract red

(Blue Male "King Ben") -wavy/straight abstract red (Brown "Jay") -wavy/straight abstract red

Luna delivered 4 beautiful apricot/red abstract puppies Early Friday morning.  She had one female and three males.  Luna is a Wonderful momma as always. She is nestled in with  her puppies and keeps them nice and warm.  These babies all have beautiful white abstract markings and nice blocky builds just like their momma.  They will all have wavy/straight coats.

For the next two weeks the puppies will be in the the Neonatal period. Their eyes and ears will be closed and they will spend all of their time eating and growing while their neurological systems continue to develop. During this time we pay close attention to the little pups to be sure they are all eating and gaining weight.  Momma does most of the work right now and we just do a lot of observation.  Mom will tend to and care for her puppies instinctively and make sure all is well by keeping them fed, clean, and warm. We will begin stroking them and handling them right away to get them used to touching and handling as much as momma will permit.  


Luna/Tucker 8 weeks


Luna/Tucker 5 1/2 weeks


Luna/Tucker 3 weeks

These guys are all pretty mobile now.  They are getting big and its almost time to expanding their living space.  they began their potty training this week and by the end of next week will have their first taste of solid food.  They are already trying to eat mamas food but without teeth they have not been very successful. We only have one of these puppies spoken for so we are still accepting 7 more deposits. 

Pink collar- curly red parti female                                  Maroon collar-wavy/straight red parti female 


Purple collar-wavy/straight red parti female                 Green collar-wavy/straight cream, parti male

Yellow collar-wavy/straight cream parti male                Black collar-straight/wavy cream/red parti male

Red collar-curly red parti male                                     Blue collar-wavy/straight cream parti male


Luna/Tucker 2 weeks

Lunnas puppies are all doing great and growing like crazy.  Everyones eyes started opening before they turned 2 weeks old.  They have all begun to toddle around and are becoming a little mobile.  This coming week they will begin their potty training. 

Pink collar- curly red parti female                                  Maroon collar-wavy/straight red parti female 


Purple collar-wavy/straight red parti female                 Green collar-wavy/straight cream, parti male

Yellow collar-wavy/straight cream parti male                Black collar-straight/wavy cream/red parti male

Red collar-curly red parti male                                     Blue collar-wavy/straight cream parti male

Luna and Tucker
Medium apricot/red Parti English
Due January 6th
Ready to go home beginning of March 2020

We have bred Luna and Tucker!  

Lunna had her babies 1/7/2020.  She had 8 beautiful puppies, 5 males and 3 females. We will be contacting those of you on the waiting list over the next week. We are excited to have another litter from this pairing.Their last litter has turned out really great.  Our families with Luna and Tuckers puppies are thrilled with their temperament, train ability and personality.  Most of the puppies from the last litter range in size from 35-50 pounds full grown.  We did have one puppy that was smaller like their dad (25 lbs) and one that was larger like their Grandma (60 lbs).  These puppies  will have wavy/straight and curly coats. All puppies in this litter have apricot/red parti markings. Read more about what to expect in our reservation process here.  

English Goldendoodle
English goldendoodle stud
F1b Goldendoodle
from Poppy & Monty
50 pound
cream, wavy, non-shedding 


multi-generation English goldendoodle

Apricot/white Parti

18 inches, 27 pounds

wavy, non shedding

Waiting list

1) Shannon McLean (Hailey ID) Green collar male

2) Jarom Whitehead (Twin Falls, ID) Blue collar male

3) Meg Tyree (Boise Id) Yellow collar male

4) Andrea & Tyler Wyman (Rexburg ID) Purple collar female

5) Scott Moss (Pink Collar) Las Vegas NV

6) Ron & Amy Van Auker (Maroon Collar) Nampa ID

7) Karen Goodheart (Black Collar) Hawthorne CA

8)Laura Malaise (Red Collar) Caldwell ID

"Disney" 6 weeks

English Goldendoodle puppies

"Sven" wavy Cram parti male SOLD

English Goldendoodle puppies
English Goldendoodle puppies

"Hanz" wavy red parti male AVAILABLE

English Goldendoodle puppies
English Goldendoodle puppy and adult photo

"Beast" curly red parti male SOLD

English Goldendoodle puppies

"Beauty" wavy red parti female AVAILABLE

English Goldendoodle puppies
English Goldendoodle puppies

"Anna" wavy red parti female SOLD

"Elsa" wavy apricot parti female SOLD

"Disney" 1/7/2019

Two Weeks Old

English Goldendoodle puppies

"Beast" curly red parti male

English Goldendoodle puppies

"Sven" wavy Cram parti male

English Goldendoodle puppies

"Hanz" wavy red parti male

English Goldendoodle puppies

"Elsa" wavy apricot parti female

English Goldendoodle puppies

"Beauty" wavy red parti female

English Goldendoodle puppies

"Anna" wavy red parti female

This litter Belongs to Fonda.

Please contact her for more information 208-731-0053

Luna/Tucker list

1) Stacey Spataro (Anna) going to Fort Worth TX

2) Lynne Hyatt (Beast) going to Boise ID

3) Kyli Amini (Sven) going to be a therapy/service dog in Star ID

4) Phillip & Nancy Williams (Elsa) Gooding ID

5) Tabitha Bingham (Beauty) Rigby ID 

6) Cindy Skinner (Hanz) Idaho Falls, ID

Puppies from this litter are red/apricot parti.  We  have 1 curly male 2 wavy/straight males, 3 wavy/straight females. They will be aprocimatly 30-40 lbs full grown. 

English Goldendoodle puppies
Red Parti English Goldendoodle
F1b Goldendoodle
from Poppy & Monty
50 pound
cream, wavy, non-shedding 
 Parti English Goldendoodle


multi-generation English goldendoodle

Apricot/white Parti

18 inches, 27 pounds

wavy, non shedding

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Contact Us

Fonda Thompson-- 208-731-0053

Kimberly Hatch--208-421-2858

We are our kids' moms and puppy moms first which means we will get back to you as soon as we can. Text us!

Baxter and Bella training program partner badge
certified Preferred breeder on Good Dog
Certified preferred breeder on Tell Tail
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