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Full embark panel for genetics on Scarlet Miniature Red English Goldendoodle

Breed: F1bb Mini English Goldendoodle
Parents: Cali/Norris
Coat Color: Dark Red
Bb/ee KBKy atat
Coat type: Wavy, non shedding
Hair Curl: C/T
Furnishings: F/f
Parti factor: Yes
Birth Day: June 1, 2017
Height: 15 inches
Weight: 18 pounds
Penn Hip: Right 0.35 Left 0.36
OFA Preliminary Hip: Excellent
OFA Elbow: Normal
OFA Preliminary Patella: Normal
OFA Preliminary Cardiac: Normal
Eye Cerf: Clear
Dentition: Full Dentition (Normal)
CDDY Carrier
Lives with a guardian family here in Twin Falls 

Scarlets parents Cali and Norris

Miniature Red parti English Goldendoodle Flat coated non furnished
red miniature poodle

Scarlett/Maverik 11/10/2020

Mini multi-gen Goldendoodles
20-30 pounds
Born November 10, 2020
Go home Monday January 4th, 2020

Scarlett had her puppies Tuesday November 10th.  She had 2 girls and 3 boys.  One parti curly boy and one parti wavy girl.  Two solid wavy boys and 1 solid wavy girl.  The solid puppies all have white abstract chest markings. This is Scarlett's retirement litter and she is proving to be just as good at it this time as in the times past.  I will begin to contact those on the waiting list in this coming week.  Because of the variety in this litter matching to your puppy will take place on the day you are placed on this litter list.  We have one very small boy who we will not place with anyone until we are sure he is thriving. That likely won't be until puppies are 1-2 weeks old.

Scarlett's litter list

1)Cody Barwell (Apricot female) Bothell WA 

2)lily Goodell (Red Male) Orangevale CA 

3)Genevieve Malkin (parti girl) Venice CA

4)Kurtlon & Evelyn Landvatter (Parti boy)Kuna, ID

Miniature Red English Goldendoodle
Miniature Abstract Goldendoodle
Multi-gen Goldendoodle from Cali and Norris
18 pounds
red abstract
non-shedding coat


Red/White abstract



wavy non-shedding coat

30 pounds,

18 inches

Miniature Red English Goldendoodle Puppies
Miniature Red English Goldendoodle Puppies
Miniature Red English Goldendoodle Puppies

 Scarlett/Maverik 7 weeks "Berries"

(Elderberry)-Curly red parti  Male       (Strawberry)- Wavy extreem red parti Female    

(Raspberry)-Wavy red abstract Female      (Blueberry)-Wavy red abstract Male

(Blackberry)-Wavy red abstract Male

Puppies are now preparing to go home in this coming week.  I know everyone is getting excited to finally meet their puppy and start this new venture with their baby.  This is such an exciting time to for a person and family to bring home a long awaited puppy.  Many of these babies will be going to families who have been planning and preparing for this little puppy for quite some time so the anticipation is  very high.    Below I have outlined a few helpful tips for when your puppy comes home.

Feeding: We give our puppies free access to water all the time.  Your puppy is eating ¼-½  cup dry dog food three times a day. Puppies use the bathroom right after they eat and drink (and play and sleep) so having a feeding schedule will help get a routine set. We recommend that you start with three times a day and then move to twice a day as your puppy gets older. Take water up a couple of hours before bedtime.

Training: Your puppy is using a dog door to go outside to potty. While this is a great start to potty training your puppy still needs to learn that she HAS to go out to go potty. You will have to spend some time together to figure out how your puppy 'asks' to go out. Some sit by the door. Some scratch or whine at the door. Some will come get you. Some ring a bell. Once you have communication going it will be easier for you to pick up on your puppy’s cues and vice versa. While you are working on figuring out cues remember that puppies need to potty every couple of hours--especially after eating, sleeping and playing. They will usually sniff the ground and turn in a circle before they use the bathroom. Choose a potty area outside and take your puppy there every time they use the bathroom. It can be helpful to take them on a leash and keep them near you until they have finished. Once they have used the bathroom (give food treats liberally--braunschweiger is great for this!) take the leash off and let them run around and play. We love clicker training for young puppies.  Using a clicker and treats is not bribing.  It's simply operant conditioning.  Puppies will do what works-- if sitting politely makes good things happen then your puppy will sit. We have lots of information about clicker training here..  We love training website.  they use a marker work (yes) instead of a clicker.  Both work well for training and are interchangeable.  

Sleeping: Your puppy has been sleeping in a crate but he/she hasn't slept ALONE in a crate. Sleeping without litter-mates is an adjustment--puppies have an instinct to cry when left alone as a protection mechanism. However, at 7-9 weeks your puppy can learn to sleep in a crate comfortably. There are a few things that can make that first adjustment a little easier. 1. Take up food and water a couple of hours before bedtime. 2. Choose a late bedtime. 3. Take your puppy potty just before you go to bed. 4. Hold, pet, soothe your puppy with you until she is dozing off to sleep. Once she is sleepy put her in her crate with her blanket from her litter and shut the door. If she whines or cries give her a few minutes to settle down on her own. If she continues to cry you can open the door and put your hand inside with her until she settles down. Sometimes it can help to put the crate next to you in your room for the first few nights. It's okay if your puppy cries a bit. It's not going to hurt him/her! If your puppy wakes up in the middle of the night and cries then take him out to your designated potty spot quickly and without making too much fuss. Puppies will often potty as soon as their feet hit the floor so it helps to pick them up and carry them to the potty spot. Remember that this is just potty time not play time. You can give a small treat and then right back to the crate. Follow the same procedure as at bedtime. An 8 week old puppy should be able to go 3-6 hours in a crate without needing to go out. Some can go all night.

Grooming: Puppies only need to be washed about every 6-8 weeks. Dogs have a carefully balanced skin and hair system. Over-washing can strip natural oils from the skin and cause an overproduction of oil which can make them smell bad! Dirty feet and coats can be rinsed off but they don't need to have shampoo every time. All goldendoodles need to be groomed regularly. A good groomer will start slowly with a puppy and include a more thorough cut as the puppy gets more comfortable with the grooming table. Use a slicker brush to detangle hair every couple of days. If your puppy won’t stop biting the brush give him a bully stick while you work. Make sure to trim hair out of your puppy's eyes. Vision neuro-pathways are still developing so your puppy needs to be able to see clearly to fully develop his full visual fields. Using a pair of blunt tip hair cutting scissors you can also trim the hair around your puppy's bottom to keep it from getting matted/packed. Not all doodles have hair in their ears but many do. The hair will need to be plucked out to prevent ear infections. It's not as bad as it sounds! Most dogs don't seem to mind at all. We usually let the groomer do this but you can give it a go yourself if you feel ambitious! Tiny puppies can have toenails trimmed with a regular nail cutter but as the nails harden you will need a round nail cutter so you don't smash the nail flat. Lay the cutter flat along the pad of your puppy's foot and then tilt it up just slightly so you can trim the edge of the nail without worrying about getting the quick. We also use a nail dermal tool on their toenails that we love.

Collar and leash: Start with an extra small collar for mini doodles and a small for standards. You will have to replace this collar as your puppy grows so don't put a ton of money into this first collar. We don't like retractable leashes. We've seen them cause too many injuries to hands and legs! We prefer a six foot flat woven leash but we also have a few dollar store leashes around the house and in the car just in case. When you are working on distance recall you might want a longer (20 foot+) lead but we often just use a rope in those cases. If you are having trouble with pulling on the leash try a gentle leader collar. It won't hurt your puppy and will keep both of you safe while you walk.

Exercise: Puppy joints and bones are still developing until 18-24 months. It's good to avoid excessive jumping and stair climbing until after two years of age. Puppies and dogs need plenty of exercise for both mental and physical health. Running around in a backyard is great but a walk is even more important for leadership and health. Please avoid walking in areas that are heavily populated with other dogs until after 13 weeks weeks when all shots are given. After 13 weeks, 1/2 mile to a mile every day is great for puppies. As adults, small dogs can run as far as big dogs without any trouble. We have had some of our mini doodles run with their people to train for marathons.

Toys: Puppies are going to be getting an entire new set of teeth and that involves CHEWING! It is helpful to have a stash of acceptable chew items all over the house. When you see your puppy chewing something that isn't meant to be chewed (i.e. your favorite shoes or your daughter's barbie...we speak from experience here...) stop the puppy and give him something that is acceptable to chew. We like Kong toys (stuff them with sticky food mixed with dry food to keep a puppy busy), bully sticks, nylon ropes and any other teeth friendly toys! Some of our doodles LOVE balls and keep one (or two!) in their mouth at all times. Just make sure it is big enough that your puppy can't choke on it

Shots and Vet check: Your puppy will have a check with our vet at 6 weeks of age. You need to take your puppy to your vet within three business days of receiving your puppy so we can make sure that we can all agree on the health of the puppy. Your puppy’s eight week shots will be due at that first vet visit. Colostrum from mom's milk provides immunity (to all diseases for which mom has been vaccinated) for anywhere from 5-12 weeks. Vaccines can't work with the puppy's own immune response system until the immunity from mom's milk wears off. There is no way to tell when the passive immunity from mom's colostrum ends and when the active immunity from vaccines can start. That's why it's important to follow your vet's preferred vaccination schedule! We have seen puppies get parvo--it's heartbreaking and expensive. There is only one vaccine (Neopar)  that is able to stimulate your puppy’s immune system in the presence of mom’s antibodies.  Neopar offers some early protection against parvo.  We give Neopar at 5 weeks but your puppy won’t have full protection against parvo.  It is important to get the full puppy vaccines done at 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age.  It’s also important that the final set of shots is not given before 15 weeks of age to have full protection against parvo and other illnesses. 

Your puppy will have multiple doses of dewormer to make sure there are no worms or parasites when your puppy goes home. Parasites are common in the dog world and we recommend giving a three day dose of Safeguard dewormer yearly as a precaution.  

Spay/Neuter: We have spent years of work learning about genetics and thousands of dollars testing parents to make sure that all dogs we breed have the very best chance to be healthy, happy dogs. We think all puppies deserve the same intense planning! It's really important to us that none of our puppies reproduce. We do occasionally sell breeding rights to respected breeders that we have worked with but we want to make sure that all of our dogs are protected against unwanted pregnancy by being spayed and/or neutered! We prefer to do this procedure before our dogs hit puberty. Most of our families are not prepared to live with a sexually mature dog.  Especially with males, neutering before puberty can help alleviate marking or other unwanted behaviors. We recommend that you spay/neuter around 6-9 months of age or as recommended by your vet. Many vets prefer to wait until a year of age to help with developing bones and joints.  We are fine with that as long as you understand the importance and difficulty of protecting against unplanned breeding or of having a female in heat (bleeding) in your home.  Males can be fertile as early as 4-6 months.  

Dew Claws: We don't remove dew claws anymore. Removing the dew claw (with the bone it attaches to) can also cause arthritis in older dogs. If you want your dew claws removed you can have it done during spay/neuter. 

 Scarlett/Maverik 6 weeks "Berries"

(Elderberry)-Curly red parti  Male       (Strawberry)- Wavy extreem red parti Female    

(Raspberry)-Wavy red abstract Female      (Blueberry)-Wavy red abstract Male

(Blackberry)-Wavy red abstract Male

Puppies have gotten really fun to watch playing together. 

This is week 4 of the socialization period. Puppies have now learned to take food from my hand and are beginning to "Mand."  Every time we feed the puppies we call them with a high quick "here pup, "pup, pup, pup, pup, pup" similar to how you hear people call a kitty.  They now have a great recall and will come any time I call out like this.  It is so important to have a good "recall" with a puppy to help keep them from trouble.  This recall will transition to the dogs name once you have him/her in your home.  This week we will introduce the puppies to a crate. They will not be locked in but will have the option of sleeping in it.  


 Scarlett/Maverik 5 weeks "Berries"

(Elderberry)-Curly red parti  Male       (Strawberry)- Wavy extreem red parti Female    

(Raspberry)-Wavy red abstract Female      (Blueberry)-Wavy red abstract Male

(Blackberry)-Wavy red abstract Male

This week the puppies win begin to spend some time outside.  

Puppies are all very steady on their feet now and are getting really playful--especially with each other.  They are doing great with their potty training by using the potty area about 95% of the time.  When they don't use their potty area they are using their play area but have stopped eliminating in their sleep area completely.  We will introduced crates to the puppies this coming week and when they are in their whelping box this is where they will begin to spend most of their sleeping time as it is the only spot in their box with a soft pillow to lay their heads. 

Puppies began to eat soaked kibble this past week and are now eating solid dry kibble.   Mom has already began to distance herself a little by spending less time in the box with them.  This time will gradually increase over the next 2-3 weeks as she weans them. Puppies had their first barrier challenge this past week as well.  Our little guy is the one to first overcome those barriers. When they are really interested in their food I place it behind a barrier so that they can use their problem solving skills to figure out how to get the reward of food.

This is week three of the socialization period. This week the puppies have begun to learn and be shaped by other adult dogs in the household.  Adult dogs teach important dog manners.  This is the week our puppies usually hit what is called a fear period.  This period can last only an hour or a few days.  We will take extra care to be sure that if they exhibit and fear towards anything  we will scale back and individually help them overcome those fears slowly.  This is also the week we begin "Manding" with the puppies.  Manding is a behavior of the puppy sitting when he/she wants something.  It's a way for them to communicate with us in a polite way.  It's always best to have a dog approach and sit (without being asked) rather than jump to get attention.  By the end of this week they will all have caught on and will begin expressing this very desirable behavior when they are approached by a human. 

Scarlett/Maverik 4 weeks "Berries"

(Elderberry)-Curly red parti  Male       (Strawberry)- Wavy extreem red parti Female    

(Raspberry)-Wavy red abstract Female      (Blueberry)-Wavy red abstract Male

(Blackberry)-Wavy red abstract Male

Puppies are all steady on their feet now and are starting to get a little playful.  They are doing great with their potty training by using the potty area about 75% of the time.  When they don't use their potty area they are using their play area but have stopped eliminating in their sleep area.  

This is week two of the socialization period. This week puppies will start on solids and begin the process of weening.  First we will being using puppy food soaked in water. By the end of the week they willl be eating the kibble dry and mom will begining to feed them less and less.  Mom has already started to distance herself a little by spending less time in the box with them.  This time will gradually increase over the next 2-3 weeks. Puppies will participate in their first barrier challenge this week.  Once they are really interested in their food I will place it behind of barrier of some sort so that they can use their problem solving skills to help work through problems or obstacles.


Scarlett/Maverik 3 weeks "Berries"

(Elderberry)-Curly red parti  Male       (Strawberry)- Wavy extreem red parti Female    

(Raspberry)-Wavy red abstract Female      (Blueberry)-Wavy red abstract Male

(Blackberry)-Wavy red abstract Male

This past week they have all begun to toddle around really well and have become very vocal. Tomorrow we will introduce a new bed/sleeping area along with our new pee/pooping area to help start these little ones on a path to easier potty training. 

This week puppies leave the transitional period and will enter the socialization period.  During this time their ears open and they begin to hear.  We will start some sound protocols with them this week.  Some of those include listing to classical music, exposing puppies to common "upsetting" appliances such as the vacuum and blow dryer,  and doing some startle recovery exercises.  For startle recovery exercises we will randomly make sudden unusual noises that may startle the puppies ever so slightly to help shape their emotional responses. 

Scarlett/Maverik 2 weeks "Berries"

(Elderberry)-Curly red parti  Male       (Strawberry)- Wavy extreem red parti Female    

(Raspberry)-Wavy red abstract Female      (Blueberry)-Wavy red abstract Male

(Blackberry)-Wavy red abstract Male

Puppies are all doing great.  Everyones eyes opened up starting the day before they turned two weeks old.   They are starting to move around a bit. We've begun holding them a lot. Handling by young children is a daily occurrence here at the Thompson household because we have a built in 4 year old here to help socialize them.

 Our small boy is still doing well and slowly gaining weight but not without help supplementing from us. .  We want to be assured he is a healthy normal puppy before we place him.  We have decided we will need to observe him at least until he is 5-6 weeks old to be sure he does not seem to have any underlying  health issues.  

At two weeks of age the puppies leave the neonatal period and enter what is called the transitional period.  Traditional period is typically between days 14-21.  During this time we will begin to introduce them to a new novel item and or have a new experience daily.  These items and experience will help to build a healthy startle/recover/curiosity/and exploration cycle with the puppies to lay the foundation for a confident puppy. This week we will take a dermal nail trimmer to the puppies nails to begin to get them used to vibration and trimming of the nails.  These puppies will have a lifetime of grooming and will need to be handled by their feet and toes on a regular bases.  Doing these things with them early and using items like this that cause vibration regularly will help to start to set them up for success for their many groomings they will have.


Scarlett/Maverik Newborn "Berries"

(Elderberry)-Curly red parti  Male       (Strawberry)- Wavy extreem red parti Female    

(Raspberry)-Wavy red abstract Female      (Blueberry)-Wavy red abstract Male

(Blackberry)-Wavy red abstract Male

Scarlett was a champ and delivered her retirement litter starting at 10:40 am on November 10th finishing in just two hours at 12:40.  We have two girls and three boys.  The The solid puppies all have a beautiful big white blaze under their neck and down their chest and we expect them to have a wavy coat.  The parti puppies coloring will darken in the next 1-2 weeks. The parti boy is heavily marked and lookes to be curly. The parti girl is an extreem parti and has minimal spots covering both eyes. The spot over her one eye is larger than the other.   We have one really small boy in this litter who will require a little extra attention  from us to be assured he will thrive on his own.  We weigh him before and after every feeding every 3 hours to be sure he is gaining weight.  Right now we are helping to supplement him with formula untill we are confident he is able to securely latch on to his momma and stay attached.  He did well his first 24 hours but we will continue to monitor him closely. He will not be placed with a family until he is 1-2 weeks old and we are certain he is thriving well on his own. 

The puppies have begun life and are in what is called the Neonatal period. Neonatal period last for two weeks.  During this time we pay close attention to the little pups to be sure they are thriving and growing.  Making sure everyone is eating and gaining weight.  Momma does most of the work right now and we just do a lot of observation.  Mom will tend to and care for her puppies instinctively and make sure all is well by keeping them fed, clean, and warm. We will begin stroking them and handling them right away to get them used to touching and handling as much as momma will permit.    

Miniature Red English Goldendoodle Puppies
Miniature Red English Goldendoodle Puppies

Previous puppies from Scarlett

Scarlett & Winston/Maverik 
Mini multi-gen Goldendoodles
25-35 pounds
Born May 19, 2020
Go home July, 13, 2020

Scarlett delivered 5 beautiful babies early Tuesday morning. In the coming week or two we will start to see the color of their noses fill in and if any pups are curly.  Curly pups are from Maverik and brown nose pups are from Winston. Any pups with black noses and a wavy coat could be from either Maverik or Winston.  Please be patient while we work our way through our waiting list over the next few days.  We will also place two reserve names on this list in the event we do not retain our 2 breeders choice picks. If you are placed in a "Reserved spot" your name will remain on the master list until it is determined if you will receive a puppy from this litter.


Scarlet and Winston/Maverik Waiting list

1) Karlie and Josh Dean (Beneli) Purple collar girl

2) Brian and Jill Trumble (Beretta) Pink collar girl

3) Tammy Chenault (Reminington) Blue collar boy

4) Ross Woodside  (colt) Green collar boy

5) Nancy Ramsdale (Shelly) maroon collar girl 

Miniature Red English Goldendoodle
Multi-gen Goldendoodle from Cali and Norris
18 pounds
red abstract
non-shedding coat
Red Goldendoodle


Red Multi-Gen 



non-shedding coat

33 pounds,

17 inches

Miniature abstract Goldendoodle


Red/White abstract



wavy non-shedding coat

31 pounds,

18 inches

 Scarlett's "Guns" 5 1/2 weeks

(Beretta)- Straight red Female                                         (Colt)-Wavy apricot/red large abstract Male

(Beneli)-Curly red small abstract Female                           (Remington)-Curly red small abstract Male

(Shelly)-Wavy apricot/red/ abstract Female

This week the puppies have begun to spend a lot of time outside during the day.  The weather is great and mom prefers to be outside with them.   We  took our wheel barrow and turned it upside down and propped it up just a bit for an opening so that Scarlett and her puppies have a "Den" to hang out in while they are out there.  They still come inside through out the day but at this point they prefer the outside weather.  This will change tomorrow as we are expected to get rain.  

Puppies are all very steady on their feet now and are getting really playful (especially with each other.  They are doing great with their potty training by using the potty area about 85% of the time.  When they don't use their potty area they are using their play area but have stopped eliminating in their sleep area completely.  We introduced crates to the puppies this week and when they are in their whelping box sleeping this is where they are always found. 

Puppies began to eat soaked kibble this past week and are now eating solid dry kibble beginning the process of weening.    Mom has already began to distance herself a little by spending less time in the box with them.  This time will gradually increase over the next 2-3 weeks. Puppies had their first barrier challenge this past week as well.  When they were really interested in their food I place it behind a barrier so that they can use their problem solving skills to help work through problems or obstacles for the reward of food.

This week is week three of the socialization period. This week the puppies have begun to learn and be shaped by other adult dog in the household.  They have begun to teach them important dog manners.  This is the week our puppies usually hit what is called a fear period.  This period can last only an hour or a few days.  We will take extra care to be sure that if they exhibit and fear towards anything  we will scale back and individually help them overcome those fears slowly.  This is also the week we begin "Mandding" with the puppies.  Mandding is a behavior of the puppy sitting when he/she wants something.  Its a way for them to communicate with us in a polite way.  Its always best to have a dog approach you and sit (without being asked) rather than jumping up on you because they want something.  By the end of this week they will all have caught on and will begin expressing this very desirable behavior when they are approached by a human (as long as we have a treat. LOL)


Scarlett's "Guns" 3 weeks

(Beretta)- Straight red Female                                         (Colt)-Wavy apricot/red large abstract Male

(Beneli)-Curly red small abstract Female                           (Remington)-Curly red small abstract Male

(Shelly)-Wavy apricot/red/ abstract Female

This past week they have all begun to toddle around really well. Tomorrow we will introduce a new bed/sleeping area along with our new pee/pooping area to help start these little ones on a path to easier potty training. 

This week puppies leave the transitional period and will enter the socialization period.  During this time their ears open and they begin to hear.  We will start some sound protocols with them this week.  Some of those include listing to classical music, exposing puppies to common "upsetting" appliances such as the vacuum and blow dryer,  and doing some startle recovery exercises.  For startle recovery exercises we will randomly make sudden unusual noises that may startle the puppies ever so slightly to help shape their emotional responses. 


Scarlett's "Guns" 2 weeks

(Beretta)- Straight red Female                                         (Colt)-Wavy apricot/red large abstract Male

(Beneli)-Curly red small abstract Female                           (Remington)-Curly red small abstract Male

(Shelly)-Wavy apricot/red/ abstract Female

Puppies are all doing great.  Everyones eyes opened up this past week and they are starting to move around a bit. Puppies are starting to get a lot of handling. Handling by children of this age is a daily accordance here at the Thompson household because we have a built in 4 year old here to help socialize them.    

At two weeks of age the puppies leave the neonatal period and enter what is called the transitional period.  Traditional period is typically between days 14-21.  During this time we will begin to introduce them to a new novel item and or have a new experience daily.  These items and experience will help to build a healthy startle/recover/curiosity/and exploration cycle with the puppies to lay the foundation for a confident puppy. 


Scarlett's "Guns" 1 week

(Beretta)- Straight red Female                                         (Colt)-Wavy apricot/red large abstract Male

(Beneli)-Curly red small abstract Female                           (Remington)-Curly red small abstract Male

(Shelly)-Wavy apricot/red/ abstract Female

Scarlett is doing great with her puppies and they are al really starting to grow. Everyone has doubled their birth weight.  This week we will take a dermal nail trimmer to the puppies nails to begin to get them used to vibration and trimming of the nails.  These puppies will have a lifetime of grooming and will need to be handled by their feet and toes on a regular bases.  Doing these things with them early and using items like this that cause vibration regularly will help to start to set them up for success during their many groomings they will have.  When the puppies were 3 days old we started Early Nejaurological Stimulation (ENS). We will continue doing ENS until they are 16 days old.  ENS is a combination of different tests and stimuli that is designed to get your puppy comfortable being handled, desensitize him/her to discomforting touch, and get their brains working.  We preform a serious of test (for lack of better works) from handling the puppy upright, upside-down, on his/her back, tickling his/ her toes, and setting them on a cold surface.

Scarlett's "Guns" Newborn

(Beretta)- Straight red Female                                         (Colt)-Wavy apricot/red large abstract Male

(Beneli)-Curly red small abstract Female                           (Remington)-Curly red small abstract Male

(Shelly)-Wavy apricot/red abstract Female


Shades of "RED" 3 1/2 weeks

Miniature Red English Goldendoodle Puppy
Miniature Red Parti English Goldendoodle Puppy

Everyone's eyes have been open for a couple of weeks now.  As I write this the puppies are almost 5 weeks old but the photos below were taken when they were 3 1/2 weeks old.  I've recently had some problems with my computer and have been unable to upload the photos.  They will show up here once I have my computer problems resolved.  I should start to see some of these little ones personalities come out over this next week.  As of right now nothing stands out about any of them yet.  We have been working with the puppies on using the bathroom outside of their sleeping and playing area.  They began peeing on potty pads when the were 3 weeks and at 4 weeks we added the black grates on top of the pads.  At this point they hit their potty area about 95% to go poop and 75% to go potty.  Scarlett has begun to wean them and is beginning to spend less time in the box with them.  They get to come out of the box 2xs a day to eat and explore.  While they are out I clean and sanitize their box and momma gets to work on doggy manners with them.  They have been eating soaked kibble now for almost 1 week and by the weeks end should be moving on from soaked to solid kibble.  

pink collar "Ruby" - curly coat       white collar "Cardinal"- straight/wavy coat      yellow collar "Rose"- curly coat 

purple collar "Crimson" - straight/wavy coat  green collar "Rusty"  - wavy/curly coat

maroon collar "Claret" - wavy/curly coat (smallest puppy)

Shades of "RED" 1 week

Scarlett is doing great with her puppies and they are really starting to grow.  We usually seclude our puppies and mommas from the rest of the household for the first week to two weeks of their lives.  Mommas typically do better when they can be secluded and their puppies are not bothered as newborns.  Scarlett is an exception to this rule.  She was secluded for about 3 days and then she had had enough.  She wanted to be out with all the other humans in the house.  She doesn't like solidarity.  She prefers to be where she can see what is going on and get all the attention she wants.  So On day 3 these beauties transitioned into our family room where all the hustle and bustle goes on and everyone is doing great.

We took a dermal nail trimmer to the puppies nails this week to begin to get them used to vibration and trimming of the nails.  These puppies will have a lifetime of grooming and will need to be handled by their feet and toes on a regular basis. Starting them early and using items like this that cause vibration regularly will help to set them up for success.  

Early Neurological stimulation (ENS) started on day three of this past week and will go into next week of day 16.   ENS is a combination of different tests and stimuli that is designed to get your puppy comfortable being handled, desensitize him/her to discomforting touch, and get their brains working! We perform a serious of “tests” (for lack of a better word) from handling the puppy upright, upside-down, on his/her back, tickling his/her toes, and placing them on a cold surface.

Some of the puppies coats are begining to show some curl.  I should know by the end of this week or the next what pups will be a loos wave and what ones may have a tighter curl.  

Now onto the theme and names for these puppies.  Scarlett means "Red" Her guardian owner has chosen the theme of "Shades of RED" we have pink collar "Ruby" white collar "Cardinal", yellow collar "Rose", , purple collar "Crimson", and green collar "Rusty"  and maroon collar "Claret"

Miniature Red and white English Goldendoodle
Multi-gen Goldendoodle from Cali and Norris
18 pounds
red abstract
wavy, non-shedding coat
Multi-gen Goldendoodle 
30 pound
wavy, non-shedding coat
apricot parti

*Tucker has a tiny bit (less than 6%) miniature schnauzer mixed in with his golden retriever and poodle genetics. This will help define the furnishings of these dogs and will increase their hybrid vigor and overall health. 

Scarlett/Tucker reservation list

1) breeders pick 

2)Sherry Kahlon (Apricot/red female)  Winchester CA

3) Kayla Stennis (Apricot/red female) Mountain home ID

4) Becky Mayer (Apricot/red female)(Meridian ID)

5) Brook Burton (Parti) (Boise ID)

6) Megan Heart (Boise ID)

6) Misty & Scott Rogers (Elco NV)

Scarlett & Tucker*
Mini multi-generational Goldendoodles*
20-30 pounds
Born November 14th
pick up day is January 7th

Scarlett had babies on Thursday.   She has 5 females and 1 male.  The heavily marked parti pup (has the most red spots) is the only male.  everyone else is a female.  Puppies will all have a wavy/straight coat. We currently have 4 spots on this litter reserved.  We have two open spots. We will also be taking one reserved deposit for an addition spot in the event we decide to not place a puppy from this litter for breeding.  Puppies will be a miniature size between 20-30 pounds full grown.Read more about our adoption process here.  If you would like to be added to this litter please be sure to set aside time on January 7th to pick up your puppy.  

This litter Belongs to Fonda.

Please contact her for more information 208-731-0053

Miniature Red English Goldendoodle Puppy
Miniature Red English Goldendoodle Puppy
Miniature Red parti English Goldendoodle Puppy

"Earth Science" 5 week

Scarlett's puppies turned 5 weeks old yesterday.  They have started  climbing out of the whelping box!  We've never had such a "small" little litter here at our home.  These little ones are so little and are stinking adorable.  We started weaning them this past week..  We started them on ground up kibble soaked in water but they actually manage the kibble even when it is not soaked, so today we started them on their solid kibble.  They love their food and we will begin using it to help teach them how to "mand" (Sit to ask for  something). Scarlett's guardian owner is a Science teacher here at our high school and she had her classes help come up with a theme and names for this litter so it's no surprise that the theme is "Earth science!" We have 4 IC affected doodles in this litter. Two girls and two boys.  We also have 2 goldendoodles who are IC  clear and will have that typical doodle look. We can already tell just from looks what pups have furnishings (IC clear)  and which ones do not.  The puppies who have hair growing out on their muzzles have furnishings but we also have genetic tests that tell us what their coats will look like. 


Wegnar (pronounced Vegnar--Green Color) 3lbs 7oz. wavy, non-furnished light red male.  

Bowen (blue collar) 2 lbs. 12oz. non-furnished, curly apricot male. 

Chaco  (purple collar) 2lbs .5oz, Furnished, straight, red female

Gneiss (pronounced nice) (Yellow collar) 1lb. 14.5oz. Furnished, Curly, red female

Granite (Pink collar) 2lbs. 10.5oz. wavy, non-furnished, red female 

Gabbro (red collar) 2lbs 10.5oz. wavy, non-furnished, red female


Miniature Red English Goldendoodle Puppy


Miniature Red English Goldendoodle Puppy



Miniature Red English Goldendoodle Puppy
Miniature Red English Goldendoodle Puppy



Miniature Red English Goldendoodle Puppy
Miniature Red English Goldendoodle Puppy

Scarlett/Knox 3 week





Scarlett/Knox 1 week

Miniature Red English Goldendoodle puppy
Miniature Red English Goldendoodle puppy
Miniature Red English Goldendoodle
Multi-gen Goldendoodle from Cali and Norris
18 pounds
red abstract
wavy, non-shedding coat
Miniature Red English Goldendoodle Puppy
Miniature Red English Goldendoodle
F1 Goldendoodle 
17.5  pound
wavy, non-shedding coat

Waiting list

#1 Chaco (Fonda) (Jocelyn) Twin Falls, ID

#2 Gabbro/Granite (Ken Bingham) Burley ID

#3 Wegner (Kathy) Versailles, KY

#4 Bowen (Kathy) Versailles, KY

#5 Gabbro/Granite (Kathy) Versailles, KY

#6 Gneiss (Cindy McFarland) Sandy, UT

Scarlett and Knox
Miniature red English Goldendoodles 

Scarlet had puppies Tuesday November 28th. There are 4 girls and 2 boys.  They will be ready to go home mid  January.  These puppies will be Petit English Goldendoodles. Estimated adult weight of these pups is 15-20 full grown and will they will be dark red.  Some of the puppies from this breeding will be IC affected (Flat coat). This means their coats will look similar to a golden retriever. Scarlett's mom  Cali is an example of an IC affected goldendoodle.  She does not have any copies of the furnishing gene that create the typical facial and body hair of a doodle.  The pups in this litter will be solid not parti colored.  They will likely get darker red as they get older.   We will know which puppies will have this type of coat before puppy match day. The IC affected pups will shed similar to a golden retriever and look similar to a golden retriever but in a very small size. ("A mini dark red Golden Retriever")


As breeders we love to include an IC affected mom in our program because it allows us to downsize our doodles without creating a poodle looking dog. We like the look of doodles that keep a good  portion of their golden retriever genes! 

We will only be opening this litter to breeders in the beginning. After we have received test results back when the puppies are about 6 weeks old we will open up this waiting list to our clients.   If you wish to be put on this litter's tentative waiting list after breeder picks please send me a text 208-731-0053--include you preference for either a typical doodle coat or an IC affected golden retriever type coat. 

Puppies from Scarlett and Knox are $2400

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Contact Us

Fonda Thompson-- 208-731-0053

Kimberly Hatch--208-421-2858

We are our kids' moms and puppy moms first which means we will get back to you as soon as we can. Text us!

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certified Preferred breeder on Good Dog
Certified preferred breeder on Tell Tail
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